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Oser réaliser son rêve de voyage en Amérique du sud

Oser réaliser son rêve de voyage en Amérique du sud

Voici le premier podcast de la série de rencontres qui constituent le fil rouge du challenge de ce blog. C’est un rêve de voyage qui a été réalisé.

Avez-vous un rêve de voyage ?

Cette envie de partir de chez soi pour goûter à l’ailleurs.
Parfois c’est pour le bout du monde, parfois c’est juste dans la ville d’à coté.
Il y a des gens pour qui faire ce pas semble facile et naturel. Il y a aussi ceux pour qui l’idée est juste inconcevable. Puis, il y a ceux qui fantasment de prendre les voiles, mais qui hésitent devant le changement, face à l’inconnu.

La peur d’être confronté à ce qu’on ne connait pas. L’angoisse de quitter ce qu’on connait.

C’est ce qu’a vécu Nicolas Galli du blog developpersaconfiance.com. Sur les quelques dizaines de minutes que je partage avec vous ici, il va parler du déclic qui lui a fait décider de vivre le voyage de ses rêves, en Amérique du sud.
Il nous raconte son parcours et comment il a pu dépasser sa peur de l’inconnu

Cliquez sur play pour écouter maintenant ou cliquez ici pour télécharger et écouter sur un appareil mobile. (Durée : 40 mn)

Quand la distance ne compte pas…

Je ne connaissais pas personnellement Nicolas. Nous avions juste eu l’occasion d’échanger quelques messages textes avant cette rencontre virtuelle. Il était au debut de sa journée, fraîchement préparé à entamer sa matinée alors que j’avançais dans mon après-midi de fin d’été. La magie d’internet nous a permis cette rencontre pour un moment d’échange très convivial.

Comme promis dans la conversation, je vous mets ici le lien pour découvrir son carnet de voyage dont j’ai extrait cette petite selection de photos. D’ailleurs, toutes les photos qui illustrent cet article sont issues de ce carnet.

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

Pourquoi avons nous peur de l’inconnu ?

Est-ce que vous aussi en parcourant toutes ces belles photos, avez réalisé que les choses aussi merveilleuses qu’elles puissent être peuvent être source de frayeur quand on ne les connaît pas encore.
Dans un registre different du voyage, peut-être que comme moi vous avez des anecdotes de votre enfance où vous aviez peur de regarder sous le lit ou peut-être étiez-vous terrifié å l’idée d’ouvrir un vieux placard lorsque vous ne saviez pas ce que vous alliez y trouver. 

La peur de l’inconnu est une des peurs fondamentales qui concernent la grande majorité d’entre nous. C’est une émotion causée par l’absence d’informations suffisantes pour adapter notre comportement face à notre environnement et une situation nouvelle. Elle sera donc plus ou moins soutenue selon notre niveau de tolérance à l’incertitude. De plus, comme l’incertitude constitue une des principales sources de stress (vous pouvez en savoir plus dans mon article sur les 4 stresseurs), la peur de l’inconnu sera de ce fait un stresseur plus ou moins important selon les personnes.

Comme toutes les peurs fondamentales, elle peut être aussi salvatrice que paralysante lorsqu’on perçoit un potentiel danger dans ce que nous devons affronter – qu’il s’agisse d’une menace réelle ou d’un risque que nous surévaluons.

Vous aurez prochainement ici un article plus complet avec des exemples précis pour aider les personnes concernées à mieux comprendre cette peur et leur fournir des outils simples pour la vaincre.

Et vous Cher Lecteur, Chère Lectrice ou Auditeur-Auditrice ou les 2 ? Haha !
Dans quelle mesure avez-vous peur de l’inconnu ? Avez-vous un rêve de voyage à realiser vous aussi ?

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre

réaliser son rêve de voyage
    réaliser son rêve de voyage

We arkage validation, clinical and commercial manufacturing, quality control and release testinge an FDA-registered and inspected cGMP laboratory focusing exclusively on parenteral testing services across process and formulation development, product-pac, stability testing, and regulatory support. Our services de-risk product development and accelerate speed to market for new life-saving treatments. A2z education centre